Thursday, December 26, 2013

Looking Back...

It's almost the end of 2013...and I sit here thinking about what has happened this past year. I had a diagnosis finally, to one of my many health issues! WHAT, you say?! Yessiree! I got really sick back at the end of March. I couldn't eat solids or else I'd be miserable. That went on for a couple weeks & I lost 15 lbs. Then I caught my first stomach bug in my life, from my sweet Bella. I'll spare you the details, but I then couldn't eat ANYTHING for days, so I went to the doctor. He immediately referred me to a surgeon to get an endoscopy. That was one of the worst consults I've ever had. He sat there and pretty much told me he didn't know why I was there and that an endoscopy wouldn't help me. I almost cried & it took all I had in me NOT to. I still don't really know what changed his mind but he finally agreed to  the procedure. I struggled through another week of not eating and feeling sick, and then had my endoscopy. I woke up, in & out of consciousness and heard the surgeon telling me I had bile reflux & acid reflux. I saw a picture of my esophagus with bright lime green liquid in it. He gave me some packets of cholestromine and told me this would fix everything. If you've ever taken this, you know it's like drinking sand. Well, guess what? Surprise, surprise, I was allergic! I was covered head to toe with a rash....
So I started a couple months of different pill combos to see if I could treat the bile reflux(which is worse than acid). In the meantime I had some blood work taken & all came back normal except my vitamin D level was supposedly too high. I found this hilarious since I stay inside away from sun because I rash up from it. I also have a very unbalanced diet due to my I was confused. The nurse told me to stop taking any supplements with D in them. I told her that my multi has D in it and she informed me that there were tons of multi' s without D. So I went on a search for a D free multi. Guess what, I found 1 very expensive one that was a pressed pill(which I can't take because they pass through me unabsorbed...what a waste)
So I stopped taking a multi. About 2 weeks later....
The diarrhea monster reared it's ugly head.
It kept getting progressively worse over the weeks. I called the doctors office and was told that I was prone to that, right? But they
 finally agreed to test my poop for bugs and stuff. I also had blood work drawn too. My doc said I'd have to get another colonoscopy!!!! I asked him if I could just go back on a multi, because that's the only thing that really had changed. He told me that vitamins are just a scam, made up by the pharmaceutical companies. But, he said, do whatever. I started taking my multi again and guess what?! Within 3 days, I started to become more normal in the bathroom! I knew it.......
I wish I would have just ignored doctor's orders because it would have saved me 2 months of suffering and my kids could have enjoyed their summer, rather than staying home because of me. 
I saw an endocrinologist in the midst of all that who told me I was normal, just that I was more AWARE of my body & it's workings. He said other people feel the same as me but don't realize it. REALLY?! 
He ended up running some tests just to appease me & he called me personally, telling me that I actually DO have something wrong with me, that my C- reactive protein was elevated. He told me it'd be hard to figure out why though...
Moving on....
My regular doctor referred me to a closer gastroenterologist, so it'd be easier to get to(only 1 hour instead of over 2!)
I saw him twice....and I will never go there again.
He doesn't believe there is such a thing as bile reflux, that everyone has bile in their stomachs. I'm not even a doctor and I know that our pyloric valve at the base of our stomach opens enough to let food out but closes to keep bile out and prevent backwash. He tried me on acid reflux pills(2), but they messed me up more. He got mad when I didn't call him back to get new meds. I told him how I was super sensitive to chemicals and that I was interested in the stretta procedure, to keep bile out of my esophagus(which by the way is getting more damaged as the days has ruined my singing voice and caused all kinds of weird growths. Esophageal cancer is constantly in my thoughts...)
He told me no way.....and that I need to try more acid meds. I refuse to do that, not only because the side effects, but PPI's, do more harm than good in the reflux battle. 
Again....moving on...
I go see my doctor for a messed up ankle, as I leave I mention the stretta procedure. He tells me he'll look into it because he wants to help me get some relief. I get a call the next day, personally from my doc! He says that there is a new minimally invasive procedure that they are performing in my state! 
The LINX procedure.
He told me to look it up & that'd he'd refer me.
A light at the end of one of my long tunnels! 
I am going January 13th to see the surgeon...yes, I'm driving over 2 hours, but with hopefully help for the weary.
I tell you what.....if I didn't believe & trust that God has my back....these past 6 years and 4 months would not have even happened. 
Pain, sickness, and discouragement, can do a number on one's head. I am reminded on a daily basis that God is good and I'm truly & thoroughly blessed.
I am looking UP & ahead to healing in the new year!!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

POOP Shouldn't Be Considered A 4 Letter Word!

*Gasp* I said POOP!(and I'm over the age of 5!)
This word brings us to the beginning of my story.
I was born 3 days before christmas back in 1977, weighing in at a sad 7lbs. 7oz.(this is coming from a mom of a 9lbs. 11oz. baby!LOL!).
Even my mother used to tell me as a kid, that I slipped out like diarrhea.  Yeah, thanks mom!(my sister had been 9lbs. 8oz!)
My first 19 months of life were surrounded by diarrhea.(if you're squeemish you should stop reading this right now and go surf for that new pair of pants you've been wanting!)
My mom said I used to go, sometimes more than 10 times a day(more often than not) and it would be up my back and down my legs.  Nice picture, right?!  And my saint of a mom did cloth diapers! At the age of 1 year I weighed in at a whopping 12lbs!!!
Now seriously, people...poop should not be as taboo of a thing as it is.  We all do it(they even have a book about everyone pooping!), even those "untouchable" famous people poop.  Our poop can tell ALOT about our health.  The first thing your doctor should ask you when you see him is "How are your poops?"
I would say(and i'm totally guessing here...) that ALOT of the people you come in contact with on a daily basis have poop issues.  It's not as uncommon as you'd like to think.
In my house, they sometimes jokingly refer to me as the "poop doctor", since I am totally on top of everyone's habits.(that's a slight lie, since my hubby is not included, but that's another story for another day!LOL!)
Yes, people...I check my kid's poops.  EVERY TIME!  I even recently started a little notebook for each kid, cuz let's be honest, they kept forgetting whether or not they went, and if it was enough.  The problem is, it's not "no big deal" if you don't can do some real damage to your body.
So yeah...I'm obsessed. 
Are you still reading?(I bet I lost about 3/4 of the readers already!)
So this is where my current health "issues" started....5 and a half years ago, I just started in with chronic diarrhea and nausea.
It was like a switch was flipped, not gradual....just all of a sudden.  I went 2 straight months without seeing a doctor, and finally told my hubby that I needed to be brought in to the ER for fluids.  I went, they took some tests, and yes....samples. They then scheduled me to see a gastroenterologist.  I then go through more tests, and a colonoscopy.(yeah...not fun...seriously! I will spare you the details!)
Mr. gastro doctor tells me it's IBS and to take a tablespoon of Metamusil once a day and I'd be fine. *BIG LAUGH inserted here!*
Whatever buddy....try again....
I spent the next, well, let's just say...up until the 5 and a half years researching my own solution.  I have done elimination diets(no difference), taken all kinds of strains of probiotics(which by the way bind me up like a crazy person!), and tried all sorts of digestive enzymes(a little difference, but my body always gets used to something and then it no longer works.).
I have learned what works for the moment, as it's always changing, since my body seems to morph it's symptoms into new ones every so often.
I am now on the other end of the spectrum, due to some unfortunate run-ins with some nasty blood pressure meds.  After 5 different ones, that never really controlled my high BP, my digestive system has slowed to a stand still at the moment.  I was off BP meds for a  year and sadly, was put on a new one 3 days ago.(and that's a whole other story, you'll hear about later.)
So take a moment out of your busy life...check your poops and be honest with yourself....are they "normal"?  Chances are they aren't and they could be trying to tell you something about your health.
As a child, it took my parents those first 19 months of my life to find SOMEONE who could help them figure out what my problem was.  After finally going to Children's in Boston, they told my parents it was a fat absorption problem and to feed me fat before each meal.  I came to LOVE butter and peanut butter.
What my problem is one knows....we're still working on that.
Be more aware of what your body is telling you, it could be as simple as just LOOKING down the next time you visit the bathroom.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why I Want To Do This...

My purpose in starting this new blog is to try to share my experiences in life, mainly with my health(and maybe a little of my family), to hopefully gain some understanding of why we go through some of the struggles we go through while we're here.  I also would like to share what I have experienced, and share what other's have experienced, and how we learn to cope.  My hope is that we can all help each other, by maybe gaining new knowledge about what actually goes on in our bodies and also new skills to deal with life's challenges.
So bear with me as I slowly put my thoughts to print.